At Flowering Lotus Meditation, we believe in Kalyāṇa-mittatā, the Buddhist concept of "admirable friendship" within Buddhist community life. We honor these partners as sanghas that may be operating closer to you and have more regular offerings than just retreats. We shine our light of awareness on these partners as a way to help support our sangha with more opportunities to practice.
Rooted in the prose of Theravada and the poetry of Mahayana, Deep South Dharma is flavored by the spiritual soil and the growing pains of the southern United States. We are open and accessible to good-hearted people of any religion or none, whether you are curious about Buddhism or just want support for your contemplative practice.
Dharma in Mississippi: There is a large, ever-growing presence of individuals in Mississippi who are interested in meditation for a variety of reasons. Whether your interest lies in mindfulness, meditation, Buddhism, insight, the human experience, or you’re just curious, connecting with others who share your interest can be helpful and uplifting!
Flowering Lotus Meditation is a Here to Be non-profit partner. Here to Be is lululemon’s global community-based wellbeing program providing resources to nonprofit partners who use yoga and meditation as a means to manage stress and trauma.
Hi! :) My name is DeeDee Jones. I am an Intuitive Energy Healer, Meditation Facilitator, Yoga Instructor and Holistic Health Coach. From an early age I knew this was my Way of Being, but with no way of expressing it, no road map, and the world in my ears, heart and head I had no way of knowing what direction to journey.
Would you like to be a Flowering Lotus Meditation partner?
Email: to let us know. We’d love to share more listings of opportunities to practice Buddhist meditation in the Southeast Region of the US.