The Wisdom of The Buddha:
A Weekend
Wake Up Retreat
with Rebecca Kronlage
1410 Leggett Dr, Biloxi, MS 39530
In-Person Retreat • January 26-28, 2024
Please read this:
We decide on a retreat by retreat basis whether or
not we will COVID test on site upon arrival.
If you have any questions before proceeding please email :
or call or text Beth @ 601-918-8510

About the Event
The Buddha’s wisdom is timeless. This weekend is your time….to slow down, to unplug, to get quiet, to meditate…to walk quietly and to listen to insightful stories about the Buddha and his feel into the Dharma… body, mind and heart. Buddha means to “awake”. He said that he taught what
worked for him and invited others to try it for themselves. Consider what a weekend of the Buddha’s wisdom may bring to you…deeply listening to these ancient stories…waking up yourself to a simpler way of being…a middle path, a peaceful mind and a kind heart. We will practice noble silence for the
weekend with periods of dialogue and co-listening.
Teacher Bio
Rebecca Kronlage has been a long time practitioner of mindfulness, Insight Meditation and yoga. Her teaching is deeply rooted in Buddhism and the Kripalu Yoga Center tradition where she lived as a resident and senior teacher of yoga teacher training, bodywork training and energy balancing programs. As a 17 year ovarian cancer survivor, she brings a deep sense of awe, love and respect for yoga and mindfulness as a healing practice that has saved her life. For over 10 years, she was on staff as the yoga teacher at Spirit Rock Center for 7 day Insight Retreats; has assisted, beloved Buddhist teacher, Mary Grace Orr, for over 10 years; leads Self Care Programs for women as well as women’s international travel adventures to France, Italy and Greece in 2023. She now happily resides on the Gulf Coast in Mississippi where she co-founded Treehouse Yoga Studio and teaches weekly classes including Beach Yoga.
Friday, January 26, 2023
3:30-5:30 pm Arrival and Registration
6:00-6:45 Dinner
6:45 – 7:30 Work Meditation
7:30-8:15 pm Orientation and Opening Talk/Instructions
8:15-9:00 pm Evening Practice
9:00 pm Rest or Further Practice
Saturday, January 27, 2023
6:30 Wake-up Bell
7:00 Sitting Meditation
7:30 Breakfast
8:15-9:30 Work Meditation
9:30 Morning Instruction (all attend)
11:00 Walking Meditation
11:30 Sitting Meditation
12:00 Walking Meditation
12:30 Lunch
1:15 – 2:00 Work Meditation
2:00 Sitting
2:30 Walking Meditation / Movement (optional)
3:15 Afternoon Instructions (all attend)
4:15 Walking Meditation
4:45 Sitting Meditation
5:30 Walking Meditation
6:00 Dinner
6:45 – 7:30 Work meditation
7:30 dana talk by FLM then Dharma Talk by teacher (all attend)
8:30 Walking Meditation
9:00 Sitting Meditation
9:30 pm Rest or Further Practice
Sunday January 28, 2023
6:30 Wake-up Bell
7:00 Sitting Meditation
7:30 Breakfast
8:15-9:30 Work Meditation/ Room and Center Clean-up
9:30-11:00 Sitting Meditation and Closing
*Schedule detail subject to change, but arrival times and meals times will not change.
Retreat Pricing & Expected Support for Teachers
Overall cost is based on room preference. These registration costs pay for your room and meals and some of the costs it takes Flowering Lotus Meditation to continue to host phenomenal meditation Buddhist teachers in the south. Some of the costs include, but are not limited to, teacher travel. insurance, web and marketing, staff and retreat center deposits and rental, accounting, event management software, payment processing, etc.
By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you support our ability to meet the large number of requests we receive for financial aid.
Private Room ($500)
Shared Room ($250)
Commuter ($185) (staying elsewhere attending all sessions and meals.)
Scholarship / Supported Rate
This represents a portion of the costs to associated to host a student for the weekend. ($165) SHARED
Our teachers rely sole on the generosity of the students for their livelihood. Most Retreat Center teachers receive no compensation for teaching at Flowering Lotus Meditation. Please plan to give generously to our teachers at the end of the retreat.
More Information
If you have questions or need additional information about this retreat or other Flowering Lotus program offerings, please contact:
Beth Herzig, Executive Retreat Director