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Wild Heart Summer Retreat
with Rev. Mikey Noechel, MS

Andrew Chapman, LMSW
St. Mary’s Sewanee
770 St. Mary's Lane Sewanee, TN 
In-Person Retreat • July 18-21, 2024

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About the Event


In retreat, through careful and sustained mindfulness, we experience for ourselves the ever-changing flow of the mind-body process. Meditation is the vehicle through which we develop the clarity and compassion needed to accept more fully the pleasure and pain, fear and joy, sadness and happiness that life inevitably brings. As insight deepens, we develop greater peace in the face of change—we develop a capacity to meet each arising and passing moment with a deep curiosity, compassion, and wisdom.


This retreat will be held in noble silence, with designated times for group interviews to support  your practice. There will be daily periods of meditation instructions, Dharma talks, mindful movement, as well as silent sitting and walking meditation.

This course is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators.
*When budgeting for the cost of this retreat please also consider that we ask you to contribute dana to teachers at the conclusion of the event.




Rev. Mikey Noechel, MS Mikey Noechel is a Buddhist teacher who has been empowered to teach in both Theravada and Mahayana traditions through the authorization of Ven. Pannavati Bhikkhuni and Ven. Pannadipa Bhikkhu. Mikey also holds a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. He integrates these two worlds: the old school Buddhist teachings with new school psychology, in a way to help individuals free themselves from suffering of all kinds. Mikey is a teacher at Wild Heart Meditation Center in Nashville, TN and he regularly brings Buddhist meditation into treatment centers, jails, and a variety of settings.


Andrew Chapman, LMSW Andrew Chapman is the co-director & guiding teacher at Wild Heart Meditation Center in Nashville, TN. He teaches weekly groups, intensive Buddhist study programs and trainings, and meditation retreats. Andrew is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a psychotherapy practice and also provides training and lectures for students and professionals in the fields of education and mental health. Andrew has had extensive training in both the Thai Forest & Burmese methods of practice. He is authorized to teach in the Buddhist lineage through Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California.

*Schedule detail will be posted soon.

Retreat Center Direction :

Retreat Pricing & Expected Support for Teachers

As part of the Buddhist tradition, the teachers of this retreat do not receive any of the retreat fees, apart from travel reimbursement. Their time and teachings are freely offered to the community of practitioners. As a practice of generosity from the heart, participants are invited to offer “dana” (donations-generosity) to the teachers at the end of the retreat. Thank you for your support.

These registration costs pay for your room and meals and some of the costs it takes Flowering Lotus Meditation to continue to host phenomenal meditation Buddhist teachers in the south. Some of the costs include, but are not limited to, teacher travel. insurance, web and marketing, staff and retreat center costs, deposits and rental fees, accounting, event management software, payment processing, etc.

By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you support our ability to meet the large number of requests we receive for financial aid.

Shared Room 3 nights of accommodations and 8 meals

Shared Room 3 nights of accommodations and 8 meals



Our teachers rely sole on the generosity of the students for their livelihood. Teachers receive no compensation for teaching at Flowering Lotus Meditation. Please plan to give generously to our teachers at the end of the retreat.

If you have questions or need additional information about this retreat or other Flowering Lotus program offerings, please contact

Beth Herzig, Executive Director


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